Foundations of Instructional Design


In recent times, there has been a strong business expectation from the learning function to offer systematic, replicable and scalable training products and services. Products and services that are relevant to business needs, engaging to adult learners and measurable in their impact.

The 'Foundations of ID' course is aimed at professionals in the learning function looking to develop foundational knowledge and skills in Instructional Design.

The workshop is followed by a project of one-month duration in which each participant will work individually to identify needs and design a course based on the needs. The end deliverable of this project – a design document will be submitted for a review to iDesign Skills.

Course Outline:

  • Introducing Instructional Design
  • Needs Identification & Analysis
  • Writing Learning Goals and Objectives for Cognitive & Affective Domains
  • Writing Assessments
  • Simplifying & Adapting Content
  • Devising an Instructional Strategy
  • Writing a Design Document

Workshop Details

  • Duration:

    3 days classroom workshop + Project Time

  • Pre-requisites:


About I Design Skills

iDesign Skills is a boutique Instructional Design firm providing Learning Design and Learning Advisory services. Our work is guided by a simple belief – put science & creativity back into learning.

The single-minded pursuit of this belief reflects in the way we help our clients design learning interventions, build ID capability and define training processes.

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